Contact Improvisation became my love at first sight or to be correct at a first dance… I was immediately impressed by this dance and started to practice it at once. Taking along different courses of somatic movement, I quickly exchanged the classes of classical and modern dance for something that opened a brand new experience to my body and mind.
What I love about CI is the absolute presence, flow and continuity that becomes part of the dance, when the body leads and the mind often retrospectively analyzes what has happened and where it has been invited by the body. I enjoy the geometry of dancing bodies, which in the dance perfectly merge into each other and yet it is the flow and continuity that allows them to be light, literally flying throughout the space. I very much appreciate the skill of listening with every cell of the body that CI brings and last but not least the softness and fluidity it awakens in the body.
I like to pass all of this on to the participants of my CI workshops, as well as to my students of Conscious Relationships education which I teach at the University of Conscious Life in Slovakia. I am fascinated by how the principles of CI are literally identical with those of relational principles, which helps my students immediately understand their own approaches and behavior patterns in their relationships.
Apart from that I lead courses of somatic movement and Authentic Movement called Somatically in the Body and The vivid Body in Slovakia. I co-teach in the 3year program Mindful Body, founded by Rena Milgrom in the Czech Republic, which I attended myself. This program mainly enriched me in Laban Movement analyses and Bartenieff Fundamentals, as well as it engaged me with Dance Therapy and Authentic Movement. I have been taking modules of Body-Mind Centering® and attending workshops and festivals of CI and those of somatic work and I am very pleased and thankful to be taught by many amazing teachers as well as dancers from all over the world.