Intensive with Tamás Bakó
I encountered CI early in my dance studies and has greatly influenced the way I think about movement and dance. It shaped and continues to inform and inspire the practice of my teaching and performing work.
The complexity and open-endedness of the form entail continual exploration and rediscover. The ideas of negotiating gravity through dancing together, the refined awareness of sensing and listening to each other, the body-body contact, and the experience of the physical dialogue as bodies fall and rise in spherical space invite my curiosity again and again. In this workshop, I’d like to explore and spend time with these ideas to bring forth qualities of groundedness and unpredictability and the puzzle-ness of the improvised moment.
Tasks and open frames for dancing will give space for:
– meeting some of the basic forms to arrive in our contact bodies,
– allowing the wisdom of the somatically nourished physicality to be in conversation and ride along with the forces acting upon us
– exploring the relationships between each other and the environment to feed our dances that want to inquire the space all around.
– and dance.