Intensive with Nina Wehnert
Body-Mind Centering® into Contact Improvisation
We will explore our relationship to earth and space in and around us. The responsiveness to gravity and levity that travels through our body. We will explore the availability of our tissues for touch. The inner experience of internal and external movement shapes the patterning of how we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Perception is a dynamic process. How do we orient in the constancy of change and impermanence? We will explore our inner orientation within our dancing.
This intensive is about discovering the inner organisation of the body’s function and how it balances movement, awareness, stillness, rest and action.
With movement, touch, anatomical images and dialogue, we will journey through our body from an experiential perspective. The nervous system, the heart as a sense organ, our fluid body, cellular movement, embryolgy and the abiltiy to modulate between activity and rest will support the ease for our being and presence. Alone, with a partner and in group situations we will discover the roots of our senses, perception, respondability, and presence which will lead into Contact Improvisation.