Sabine Parzer is head and founder of the Holistic Dance Institute (founded 2010). Her professional experience spans over 30 years as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, bodyworker, author and organizer in the USA, Europe, Russia, Israel and Brazil. Transformation through dance, movement and touch has been Sabine’s personal and professional journey. The Holistic Dance Institute’s focus is on training professionals and lay people alike through Teachers Trainings, Advanced Teachers Trainings, Holistic Dance Embodiments Trainings, Retreats, open workshops and single sessions.
Born in 1971 in Vienna, she studied modern dance (Bachelor of Arts with excellence in Modern Dance Columbia College Chicago) and danced professionally in Chicago and New York for 9 years (1989-97), until she returned to Austria to teach for 14 years as a holistic dance pedagogue in a rehabilitation center for traumatized patients after work- and traffic accidents. Her trainings include Systemische und Integrative Bewegungslehre® (an extended Feldenkrais® Training) as well as Kleintechnique, ZenBodytherapy®, Yoga, White Crane Silat, Rosen Method®, Shiatsu, Kashmirian Massage, Visionary Cranio Sacral Work, non-violent communication, Psychotherapy, family constellations, a.o.
She was also the founder and artistic Director of the Contact Festival Austria from 2012-17. Her choreographies and improvisational scores are being performed since 1990 in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Berlin, Vienna, amongst other cities. She is currently working on international dance film projects together with filmmaker Krisztina Kerekes. Sabin teaches regularly at international dance festivals such as Impulstanz, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Israeli Contact Festival, Moscow Contact Festival, Kontakt Budapest, Osterimprofestival Göttingen, Potsdamer Tanztage and at Tanzquartier Wien.
From her perspectives both as an artist and as a healer, Sabine combines improvisational and technical aspects of contemporary dance, somatic and healing aspects of many different BodyMind methods and transformational tools from systemic psychotherapy, dance therapy and original tantra.