Worksop with Judit Dömötör (HU)
I would like to propose you different playful practices inspired by the sensory life of plants. These sensory – imaginary games may change our perception and our relation to the human and non human (or more than human) environment and may let us come in a deeper reciprocity with the living world we are taking part of.
Plants have a lot of senses, as much as we know, 15 more than humans. As they are rooted, they need to be very sensitive to be able to act and react to the events or beings around them. Their sensory organs are spread on all their body surface. This diffused sensibility contains the human senses, but also the capacity to feel resonances, humidity, electomagnetic fields and chemicals among others.
I will invite you to experience how we can explore and sense our body and the surroundings from the somatic approach of a „plant consciousness”. I propose to understand together how these perceptional experiments will nourish the movement and the connection to each other. May these journeys bring us a different listening? May we experiment our relationships in a bigger living field? And how does it change our practice of contact?
We will also discover different ways of rooting and grounding, and acknowledge our „linkedness” to each other.
Finally we will intertwine the field of sensing with the field of experiencing weight and support to enter a state of dance alone and with a partner.