Ram Jalal U Din (IL)
How can we dance an experience of Intraconnectedness?
As we move together in contact our bodies form a continuum. Numerous tiny fibers conduct the movement between us quicker than the mind can realize. We become an system that knows more than we can know as individuals. In the same time the movement travels through elaborate spiderweb networks into our muscles, organs and cells. It reminds us that we never move alone.
Mechanical forces pass through us continuously even before we were born. As humans we have the miraculous capability to choose the conducting medium we to be: fluid,viscous,gasous or solid.
In this workshop we will we will learn how to feel the fascia tissue in our own body and in other bodies through playful listening, as a way for deeper contact.
We will practice plugging into the collective network of mechanical forces and we will reawaken the evolutionary wisdom hidden in the fibers of our flesh.
1st class
Defining, locating and feeling the fascia
Finding the collective network
2nd class
Anatomy trains- the evolution of the lateral line
Playing with pendulation