Intensive with Jori Snell
CI-delicious dancing, with attention to space, time & composition…
How can we re-kindle and develop the experience for both the dancer and the observer in a Contact Improvisation setting? Can we have both an intimate experience while dancing ánd feel the presence and support of a witness/observer? Thus playing with CI’s potential to be a spontaneous composition in time & space; playing with CI being in a performative context, without loosing our deep connection to the dance, sensations, ourselves and our partner(s).
We will play with the role of the witness, being in and out at the same time, and how witnessing can heighten and support our dancing, rather than stifle, contract or push ourselves because we think we need to ‘show’ something. How can we enjoy again being seen and seeing others, as an ongoing flux of the dance?
We’ll play with simple scores, solo, duet, and as a group, to awaken and practice these ‘skills’ that we have inside us, (both physical, intuitive and mental), how to surrender and compose, let go and steer, fluctuating between conscious choices and chance. A truly visceral exciting opportunity to learn through being in it. Continuous present.