Intensive with Matan Levkowich
The objective of the MI open workshop is to offer perspectives on the following question: What does it mean to have a meaningful physical relationship with your body? In order to answer the question, we will examine how our body functions, expand our physical capacity and explore different ‘movement territories’. We will dive into a movement discourse and examine the connections between the time we spend in practice, to our day to day activities.
Workshop format:
Solo practice From warmups and ‘skills chasing’ to expressive explorations and non-functional improvisations. We will try to shed light on how and to build a self practice and why it might be needed.
Partner practice Collaborative and competitive games. Fixed movement materials and task driven scores. Different touch qualities, social dynamics and interpersonal movement skills.
Communication Practice Movement as a language. Learn how to converse with one or more partners. A space to reflect on our personal, cultural and habitual patterns. Time for integration and expansion in a non-goal oriented fashion.
As most of you know, because of a huge request of participation we decided to expand the festival with a third intensive which will be held by Matan Levkowich. Since we have only two indoor space, this intensive will always be outdoor including sun shine and rainy time. Matan is aware and prepared for that. We did post the info when we announced it but we would like to remind those who come to Matan’s intensive to be prepared with clothing and sun cream in case of extreme weather. this is the adventurous intensive of the festival. Welcome!